Before I start with the review I have to give a shout out to Bzzagent and Garnier for letting me try the Olia 6.60 for free. (note: the Olia 6.43 that I used was bought with my own money. Only the 6.60 was free) Bzzagent is the leading social marketing company and you can check them out at:
So when you open the box this is what you get:
- Instructions that tell you not to die your dog or eat it and so on.
- Bad ass black gloves (LOVE the gloves!)
- Developer.
- Colorant.
- The coolest applicator bottle ever!
- A nice size tube of after color conditioner.
Since Olia has no ammonia, the smell is extremely pleasant and I didn't get high on the fumes in my bathroom. The hair color is also very thick and easy to apply. The color at this point was very orangy, but nothing really out of the normal.
After just 20 minutes, this is what my hair looked like:
Yeah it looked like someone murdered 100 squirrels on my head. It was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more red than I had expected. So after freaking out in the mirror and texting Dawn and telling her someone committed murder in my bathroom, I hopped in the shower to wash the color out. The color is thick and oily and as directed I foamed it up before completely rinsing it out. It looked like blood was pouring off my head. I washed my hair twice because I couldn't get the water to run clear. I ended up giving up on trying to rinse it out after about 15 minutes. I used the after color conditioner, which was nice and thick, and got out to dry off. My towel turned red!!! I couldn't believe after about a 30 minute shower so much hair color was still coming off. Now don't get me wrong, I've had this happen with red colors before, but there was way more coming off than I've ever experienced in the 18 years I've colored my hair. After patting dry my hair, getting dressed, and putting on make-up I went to go blow dry my hair. This is the final result:
So yeah, it's almost Elmo red. It's not auburn at all. There is little to no brown pigmentation in the 6.60 Olia hair color. Needless to say, I was very disappointed I texted Dawn about my hair and she came over and made me feel better. She is the coolest chicka in the whole world! <3 She even bought me eye brow pencils to match my very red hair, and new hair color for later use. I love her so much! I would have used the hair color she bought me after two weeks, but after giving it some thought I decided to give Olia a second chance. I really like the concept of this hair color, and I really wanted to love this brand.
Before I go into the second round of Olia, I want to tell you that the water in my shower never really ran clear until about 3 weeks after coloring. It kept coming of on my towel too. After just 22 days, the hair color was super duper faded and all my blond highlights from a previous hair coloring session I had back in July of 2012 were showing through. I used a red pigmented shampoo and conditioner and cold rinsed my hair every time I washed it, so there was no reason for it to fade so quickly...
For the second go around, I decided to try the 6.43 Olia light auburn brown. (this is the one I paid for out of pocket.)
You can check out my before dye video below. Please forgive my noobness, as this was the very first video I've ever done and was a tad bit nervous. I promise I will get better with more practice! (and yes, I do a tad bit of jazz hands with the bad ass gloves!)
So after the second go around I can honestly say I'm still pretty displeased with the Garnier Olia Hair color. The water actually ran clear this time around which was nice. I like the color it turned out to be, BUT it still didn't fully cover my highlights up which means the saturation in this kind of hair color is not all that great. I would recommended this color to someone new to dyeing hair, or to someone who wants something that will wash out pretty quickly, but to all of us professional at home dyers: stick with something more permanent. Check out my second video for a better look at how the color turned out. Oh, and sorry about the audio quality, I have learned my lap tops mic is horrible!!! (and I thought the web cam was bad...yikes!)
So yeah, that's pretty much it in a nut shell! If you're interested in purchasing Garnier Olia, you can find it for about 10$ at CVS, Walgreens, Target, Wal-Mart, and your local grocery store. (Mine is H-E-B.) Please feel free to leave a comment and ask questions! If you do end up going out and buying Olia, please leave your feedback! I would love to know how your hair turned out!
Once again, thank you Bzzagent and Garnier for letting me try your Olia 6.60 for free! You rock!
If you would like to check out my Olia review for Bzzagent, you can find it here:
The video below is a slide show done for the Bzzagent campaign. It has a few more pictures on it that are not shown in this blog post.
Thanks everyone for checking out my full Olia review!
Great review!
ReplyDeleteI want to try it and dye my hair similar colour to what you choose, also I found out I can get it free from wow - just need to buy and upload receipt :)